The InterChart Home Page


If you are having problems getting InterChart to run, try the following:
  • make sure that the browser is Java compatable and that the Java options are enabled
  • make sure that the browser is the only application running and that memory resources are as free as possible
  • try exiting and restarting your browser
  • be patient, InterChart requires about 200kb of classes and images to run so the download may take a while
  • try downloading the archived version of InterChart to browse off of your hard drive
  • download and install the latest Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator browsers
  • download and install Microsoft Windows95 Service Pack No. 1 ( a good idea anyway )
  • if you are using the local version from the archive, make sure that:
    • files were extracted keeping their long filenames intact
    • files were extracted into their proper directories ( classes, classes/images, ... )
  • if all else fails, e-mail me with your system and browser specs and any error messages and I'll see what I can do